Child Education
This page is about child education in Trafford. Information provided in this page is for reference only and shall never be regarded as a professional or legal advice.
Overviews 概覽
Application for school places 申請學位
You need to apply for a school place in any state schools for your child through Trafford Council, although some state schools like religion schools will have their own application documents and procedures, and maintain their own waiting list. So even if you have inquired about a school place, you must always apply for a school place through Trafford Council website.
所有 Trafford Council 嘅 state schools 都係要經 Trafford Council 申請學位,不過要留意返有部份 state schools (例如教會學校),佢地最終個入學申請以及條 waiting list 都係交返畀學校自行處理。所以大家就算自己問咗學校有冇位都好,記得去返 Trafford Council 個網站度,幫小朋友申請學位。
You MUST notice that the email server of the Trafford Council School Admission Team DOES NOT receive any email from domain ending with '.hk'. So, when you are registering an account for application for school places, please DO NOT use any email from domain ending with '.hk' (e.g.
大家一定要留意,Trafford Council School Admission Team 個email server 係唔會收到嚟自 .hk 尾嘅 email,所以登記嘅時候,記得唔好用 尾嘅電郵登記申請學位個 system 呀!
The age of your child refers to their age as on 1st September of the year.
Documents required 所須文件
In general, the School Admission Team of the Trafford Council will request the following document copies when you are applyinf for a school place for your child:
一般嚟講,申請學位嘅時候,School Admission Team 可能會要求你提供以下文件副本(但最終佢哋問你拎咩,應以 case worker 要求為準):
Address proof (e.g. signed tenancy agreement) 住址證明 (如:已簽妥嘅租約證明)
Council Tax statement
Boarding pass of the child (Please keep the boarding pass of your child) 小朋友登機證(所以請你保留小朋友登機證)
Photo page of your child's passport 小朋友護照相片頁
Visa proof (e.g. stamped LOTR, visa vignette or 'share code') 小朋友簽證證明(如:LOTR 戳印、簽證貼紙,或 share code)
Useful links 有用連結
Application for school places
Visit this link whether you are applying for a school place of reception year or year 7 for your child, or it is an in-year application.
無論你係幫小朋友報入來年 reception year 定係 year 7(小學升中學),定抑或 in-year application,都去呢個網頁睇睇先。
If you are not sure which year your child should enrol in, please visit this link for details.
Trafford SEND local offer
Trafford 本地對 SEND 學生嘅支援
If your child has a need for SEND support, visit this link and see what kind of SEND supports are available in Trafford.
如果你小朋友有 SEND 支援需要,可以去呢度了解多啲 Trafford 有咩本地支援可以幫到你同個小朋友。
SEND policy support in the UK
英國 SEND 政策支援
Click here to understand more about policy support to SEND in the UK
撳入去睇下多啲關於英國政府對 SEND 嘅政策上嘅支援。
Trafford SENDIASS provides impartial information, advice and support to children and young people with SEND, as well as their parents and carers.
Trafford SENDIASS 提供公正的資訊、意見和支援給有特殊教育需要的兒童和年輕人,以及他們的父母和照顧者。
Education, Health and Care Plan
(EHC Plan or EHCP)
You can ask Trafford Council to carry out an assessment if you think your child needs an EHC plan, so that everyone can understand how to help your child develop accordingly. For details, click here.
You may also consult the SENCO of a school or your GP regarding the SEND situation of your child(ren).
如果你小朋友有 SEND 傾向,可以叫 Trafford Council 幫你小朋友做個 assessment,等唔同人都可以知道點樣幫到小朋友發展。詳情撳呢度睇。
你亦可以搵學校 SENCO 以及 GP 講你小朋友 SEND 嘅情況,等佢哋安排及跟進。
Free school transport
(Travel assistance)
If you child is aged between 5 and 16, and one of the following conditions is true, your child is eligible for free school transport and you can apply for it through Trafford Council. BN(O) visa holders are also eligible for free school transport since it is not counted as public fund, and it is also mentioned in the BN(O) welcoming pack.
2 miles from the school if they’re under 8
3 miles from the school if they’re 8 or older.
There are other situations (SEND, road safety, mobility) that your child may also be eligible for free school transport (or called travel assistance). Please refer the details here.
如果你小朋友介乎 5 至 16 歲,而又符合以下條件,就可以向 Trafford Council 申請 free school transport,即使係 BN(O) visa 持有人都可以申請,呢個並唔屬於 public fund,而 BN(O) welcoming pack 亦有提及係可以申請。
8歲以下者:屋企同學校距離達 2 英里或以上
8歲以上者:屋企同學校距離達 3 英里或以上
Trafford Music Service is a non-profit organisation under Trafford Council, providing opportunities of learning musical instruments and choir for children with a reasonable price. Join them if you wish your kids enjoy learning music.
Trafford Music Service 係 Trafford Council 轄下嘅一個非牟利機構,提供一個廉價嘅學習器樂以及聲樂嘅機會,大家想小朋友可以開開心心咁學音樂,快啲報名啦。
Schools in Trafford
(By Trafford Data Lab)
This is an interactive map which shows the location and some basic information of schools in Trafford, including primary, secondary and independent school.
呢個係一個互動地圖,當中可以見到 Trafford 區內學校嘅位置及資料,包括小學、中學及私立學校。
Schools in Trafford
(By Trafford Council)
This is a list of all kind of schools in Trafford, including primary schools, secondary schools, special education needs schools, alternative provision and further education college. You can find out their basic information, contacts and location.
呢個係一條包含成個 Trafford 之下小學、中學、特殊學校、其他學校及專業進修學校嘅基本資料、聯絡方法以及位置等資訊。
This is a commercial website that consolidate information of schools including primary schools, secondary schools, sepcial education needs schools, independent schools, sixth forms and colleges. The website is also embedded with information from Zoopla including properties to sell and to let.
呢個係一個商業網站包含小學、中學、特殊學校、私立學校、高中、專業學院。網站同時內嵌 Zoopla 資料,包括賣盤及租盤資料。
The Greater Manchester Autism Consortium was formed by the 10 Social Services Departments of Greater Manchester (Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Salford, Stockport, Tameside, Trafford and Wigan) in 1998.
In 2017 the Consortium was extended to include the 10 Greater Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups. The Greater Manchester Autism Consortium funds and steers The National Autistic Society's (NAS) Greater Manchester Autism Consortium Project which carries out a variety of tasks set by the Consortium Steering group.
The chair of the Consortium is currently Mark Warren, Director of Adult Social Care (DASS) / Managing Director Community Health and Social Care
Oldham Council / NCA
Civic Centre, Floor 4,
West Street
Tel: 0161 770 6775
如你係 SEND 小朋友嘅家長或監護人,你可以了解下佢哋嘅支援服務。
如你小朋友報考 GCSE Chinese (spoken Cantonese),請參考 Pearson Edexcel 有關文件。
References 參考: