This page is about how to get a job in the UK. Information provided in this page is for reference only and shall never be regarded as a professional or legal advice.
Useful links 有用連結
Hongkongers in Britain
- Working in the UK
英國港僑協會 - 在英國工作
Many useful pieces of information about working in the UK are available.
National Careers Service
National Careers Service is an official service funded by the UK Government, providing people aged 13 or above with information of looking for a job, career advice and guidance.
National Careers Service 係英國政府支助嘅官方服務,為 13 歲或以上嘅人士提供擇業資訊、建議和指南。 provides cover letter examples of 30 different job titles, even if you are unemployed or a student, or look for a housekeeper job. 提供唔同嘅求職信範本,涵蓋 30 種唔同情況或工種,就算你係失業、學生、抑或搵房務員嘅工作,都會幫到你。
Apart from sample cover letters, also provides CV examples. Please do take a look on it to avoid making surprising contents on your CV.
除咗求職信範本之外, 亦提兵履歷表範本,真係撳入去望一望,唔好畀自己寫咗啲嚇親人嘅嘢落你份履歷表度。
in The Trafford Centre
The Trafford Centre
Vacancies in The Trafford Centre with support and training provided by The Skills Shop
由 The Skills Shop 提供支援及培訓嘅 The Trafford Centre 職位空缺
in the Manchester Airport
The vacancies in the Manchester Airport with support and training provided by The Airport Academy
由 The Airport Academy 提供支援及培訓嘅曼徹斯特機場嘅職位空缺
Thrive Trafford - VCSE Job & Employment Opportunities
Thrive Trafford - 志願機構工作及就業機會
If you would to like to work in VCSE sectors in Trafford, have a look here.
如果你想喺 Trafford 嘅志願機構度工作,睇返呢個網頁啦。
It is always a good idea to contribute to the communities by volunteering along with making your CV better. Have a look!