Register to vote

This page is about how to register to vote in the UK. Information provided in this page is for reference only and shall never be regarded as a professional or legal advice. You must consult your lawyer to obtain professional legal advice in order to protect your maximum interest.

Overviews 概覽

If you are a British Citizen

If you hold a passport of British National (Overseas), British Overseas Territories Citizen Passport or British Overseas Citizen Passport

If you are an EU Citizen (for example, you hold a Portuguese Passport because you are also a Macau Citizen )

If you hold only a Hong Kong SAR Passport

If I am an eligible voter in the UK, what kinds of election can I participate in when I live in Trafford?
如果我係英國選民,我住喺 Trafford 可以參與咩選舉呢?

If I don't my NI number at the moment, can I still register to vote?
暫時仲未有 NI 號碼,我仍然可以登記嗎

If I don't why my name and address appearing on the electoral register for safety reasons, what should I do?

If I would like to change my name/address/nationality or get on/off  the open register on the registry, what should I do?

Identity document(s) 身分證明文件

Trafford Hongkongers CIC notice that some newcomers may misunderstand that one's National Insurance number (NI number) is a necessary information which they need to provide during the voter registration.

However, according to the UK legislations (note), a NI number is just an example document for proving the name and date of birth of applicant and their eligibility. Even if you read the description on GOV.UK, it is clearly stated that "You’ll be asked for your National Insurance number (but you can still register if you do not have one)".

We have inquired the Trafford Council regarding this issue. We have been given to know that, in case you cannot provide the Trafford Council with your NI number, you may provide other supporting documents for voter registration, such as documents regarding council tax, a passport,  a UK driving licence, or other three pieces of documents which can prove that you are living in a property which you claim where you are living in for the purpose of voter registration.

Note: Please refer to Section 2(3) of Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013, and Section (5) of Paragraph 3ZA of Schedule 2 of Representation of the People Act 1983.

Trafford Hongkongers CIC 留意到有新嚟嘅朋友仔,誤會咗以為一定要提供到 NI number 畀 Trafford Council,先至可以登記成為選民。

但係,根據英國法例(註),NI number 只係其中一樣文件去證明申請人嘅姓名、出生日期以及有關資格。就算睇埋 GOV.UK 上面嘅描述,亦已經清楚寫明就算冇 NI number 都仍然可以登記做選民

就住呢個問題,我哋都問過 Trafford Council。我哋所得到嘅答案係,如果你冇辦法提供 NI number 畀 Trafford Council,你可以提供其他證明文件,例如同 council tax 有關嘅文件、護照、英國駕駛執照或者其他三份可以證明到你所申報做住址嘅文件,作選民登記用。

註:呢度可以參考 Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 第2(3)條,以及 Representation of the People Act 1983 附表2 第 3ZA 段第 5 條

Accepted forms of photo ID 會被接納嘅相片證明

自 2023 年起,喺英國參與投票拎選票前,須出示自己嘅相片證明。有關咩文件會被接納為相片證明,請參考英國 The Electoral Commission 網站資料:


如你未有任何相片證明,你可以向英國政府申領 Voter Authority Certificate:

Starting from 2023, you need to show your photo ID to election station staff in order to receive your ballot. Please refer to the following website of The Electoral Commission in order to understand which photo IDs are acceptable.

You can also visit GOV.UK to understand more about the detail:

If you do not have any photo ID available, you can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate:

Useful links 有用連結

Register to vote

If you are eligible for voter registration in the UK, please register now!

Trafford Council: Register to Vote
Trafford Council: 選民登記

You can find official information about voter registration here.
你可以喺呢度睇下 Trafford Council 開於選民登記嘅資訊。 

Find your MP

You can find your MP for your constituency on the website of the Parliament here by entering your postcode.
如果你唔知你屬於邊個國會選區,或者你唔知邊個係你嘅國會議員,喺國會網站上面輸入你嘅 postcode 就會知道架喇。

Find your ward by postcode

If you are not sure which ward you are living in, try this website by entering your postcode.
如你你唔肯定自己係屬於邊個區議會選區 (Ward),用呢個網站輸入你屋企個郵遞號碼 (Postcode) 就會知道架喇。

Councillors contact information

You can find the contact information of your councillors here.

Strategies, plans & polices of Trafford Council
Trafford Council 發展策略、計劃及政策 

Want to understand more about policies of specific topics, click the link here.

Trafford Council Meeting Calender
Trafford Council 會議日程

You can find Trafford Council meeting schedule here.
你可以喺度搵到 Trafford Council 幾時開會。