Meeting MPs & Cllrs
Past events 過去活動
On 16th August 2021, we issued a public letter to the three MPs for the areas of Trafford, and 63 Councillors of the Trafford Council.
2021年8月16日, 我哋出咗一封公開信畀三位選區包含 Trafford 嘅國會議員,以及63 位 Trafford Council 嘅區議員。
On 7th September 2021, we met Labour Councillor Andrew Western (the Trafford Council Leader, the Trafford Labour Leader and Councillor for Priory Ward).
2021年9月7日 我哋面見咗Trafford 領袖兼Trafford 工黨領袖兼Priory Ward 工黨區議員 Councillor Andrew Western。On 10th September 2021, we met Conservatives Councillors including Councillor Nathan Evans (for Timperley Ward, and also the Trafford Conservatives Leader), Councillor Miss Linda Blackburn (for Village Ward) & Councillor Dylan Butt (for Hale Barns Ward).
2021年9月10日 我哋面見咗Trafford 保守黨領袖兼Timperley Ward 保守黨區議員 Councillor Nathan Evans、Village Ward 區議員 Councillor Miss Linda Blackburn 以及 Hale Barns Ward 保守黨區議員 Councillor Dylan Butt 。On 17th September 2021, we met Sir Graham Brady MP for Altrincham & Sale West Constituency (Conservatives).
2021年9月17日 我哋面見咗 Altrincham & Sale West 選區嘅保守黨國會議員 Sir Graham Brady MP。On 10th October 2021, we met Councillor Julian Newgrosh for Village Ward (Liberal Democrats).
2021年10月10日 我哋面見咗 Village Ward 嘅自由民主黨區議員 Councillor Julian Newgrosh。On 30th October 2021, we met Green Party Councillors including Councillor Geraldine Coggins (for Altrincham Ward) and Councillor Michael Welton (for Altrincham Ward).
2021年10月30日 我哋會面見Trafford 綠黨 Altrincham Ward 區議員,包括 Councillor Geraldine Coggins 及 Councillor Michael Welton。