Past Activities Across Greater MANCHESTER 2022
過往大曼徹斯特活動 2022
Declaration: Information on this page is for reference only. Please refer the actual information and arrangement(s) to the corresponding official information and announcement instead.
2022年1月9日 支持新聞自由集會及人鏈活動
日期:2022 年 1 月 9 號(星期日)
時間:下晝 3 點 至 4 點(展覽時間為中午 12 點至下午 3 點)
地點:St. Peter's Square, Manchester (M2 3AA)
搞手:Billy Li
2022年1月11號 Manchester Town Hall Murals with Ed Glinert
想了解下 Manchester Town Hall 裡面維多利亞女皇時代嘅壁畫背後嘅故事?2022 年 1 月 11 號,Ed Glinert 會喺網上面同大家講解。一個家庭留一張飛就夠架喇
Link and photo credit:
2022年1月13號 Making Your CV Work For You
National Careers Service(國家職業服務 )喺 2022 年 1 月 13 號,又有網上講座教大家寫 CV。有興趣嘅朋友,記得盡快去 Eventbrite 度報名喇。
Link and photo credit:
2022年1月14號 Manchester Jobs Fair
2022年1月14號朝早10點到下晝1點,喺曼聯主場(M16 0RA)度搞嘅招聘會,有興趣嘅朋友仔,就撳入去下面條 link 登記報名啦。
(also photo credit):
2022年1月18號 The Job Search Accelerator Masterclass — Manchester 搵工速成班
2022 年 1 月 18 號,會有一個網上舉行嘅搵工速成班,有興趣嘅朋友仔,就撳入去下面條 link 登記報名啦。
Link and photo credit:
2022年1月25號 Manchester Airport Virtual Jobs Fair 曼徹斯特機場網上招聘會
2022 年 1 月 25 號朝早 10 點到下晝 1 點鐘,會有一個由 Airport Academy, Manchester Airport 舉辦嘅網上招聘會,係專門為有興趣去 Manchester Airport 工作嘅朋友而設。有興趣返機場工嘅朋友,大家上 Eventbrite 登記啦!
Link and photo credit:
2022年1月27號 Trafford Business Start-Up Network - Promotion/Marketing/Social Media
2022 年 1 月 27 號朝早 10:30 到中午 12:30,Trafford Council 邀請咗一位專家 Adam Whittaker,去講解喺英國度做 offline 以及 online marketing 嘅要點。如果打算喺英國發展生意,大家不妨到時去 Urmston Library 度聽下。
2022年2月1-4號 Lunar New Year events by Coppice Library & Wellbeing Centre
2022年2月1-4號,BlueSci Support 會喺 Coppice Library & Wellbeing Centre 會有一系列嘅農曆新年活動。有興趣嘅朋友仔,就打電話去報名參加啦!
Photo credit: BlueSci Support
2022年2月4號 Manchester Careers Fair
2022年2月4號朝早10點到下晝2點,喺曼城市中心 Britannia Hotel Manchester(M1 3LA)度搞嘅職業博覽,有興趣嘅朋友仔,就撳入去下面條 link 登記報名啦。
(also photo credit):
2022年2月5日 脫福農曆新年遊樂會2022
萬眾期待嘅脫福農曆新年遊樂會 2022 終於嚟喇!如果大家上次冇嚟到冬至熱融祭,又冇去到和你宵嘅話,嚟緊 2022 年 2 月 5 日(星期六)晏晝兩點到四點,喺 Stretford Public Hall(M32 0LG),會有脫福農曆新年遊樂會,大家快啲一齊嚟玩啦!
今次除咗會有健康疊麻雀、健康魚蝦蟹、夾波子、寫揮春、學習香港語、連儂牆、製作風車、打小人等攤位遊戲之外, Trafford Hongkongers CIC director 會繼續扮財神同大家瘋狂影相,我哋仲邀請咗其他本地組織、本地港人組織、本地港人商戶擺檔、表演(分兩節:2:30pm 及 3:30pm)以及傾下偈,點樣參與本地組織做下義工,同本地婦女組織了解女士喺度可以得到咩支援,免費汽車維修諮詢,買下本地香港人商戶嘅手工品等等……
日期:2022 年 2 月 5 日(星期六)
時間:晏晝 2 點至 4 點
地點:Stretford Public Hall(M32 0LG)
(離 Stretford Metrolink Station 五分鐘路程)
(場地外邊有泊車位,如滿可以到附近 Stretford Mall 停車場泊車)
As the Year of the Tiger is coming soon, Trafford Hongkongers CIC is going to hold a Lunar New Year Fair in Stretford Public Hall (M32 0LG) from 2pm to 4pm on 5th February 2022 (Saturday). Reserve your free tickets and have fun!
You can enjoy games and activities like stacking mahjong tiles, Yuehaahai, chopstick challenge, learning Hongkongese, Lennon Wall, making pinwheels and villain hitting. A director of Trafford Hongkongers CIC will act as the God of Wealth for you to take photos with. Some local VCSE sectors and business sectors will also participate in the fair so that you may find more about local volunteer opportunities, and how these VCSE sectors can support you. You can enquire about car services from a local company for free, and buy some mint handicrafts from local Hongkonger craftspersons. You may also enjoy some performances of a live band at 2:30pm and 3:30pm. So reserve your free tickets and enjoy the fair!
Date: 5th February 2022 (Saturday)
Time: 2pm to 4pm
Venue: Stretford Public Hall (M32 0LG)
(5 minutes walk from Stretford Metrolink Station)
(Car parking is available right outside the venue and Stretford Mall.)
Please stay healthy and safe. Alcohol hand sanitisers will be provided.
Everyone is welcome, regardless of nationalities, origins, sexualities and ages. Let's have fun together! Wish you a cheerful Year of the Tiger! Kung Hei Fat Choy!
2022年2月9號 Concentrix Recruitment Open Day
2022年2月9號朝早9:15到下晝4:15,喺Stretford 嘅 The RAC House(M32 0HX)會有由 Concentrix 搞嘅招聘日,佢哋主要係會請客戶服務。有興趣嘅朋友仔,就撳入去下面條 link 登記報名啦。
(also photo credit):
2022年2月16號 National Careers Service Webinar (For Hongkonger newcomers 專為香港人新移民而設)
由英國內政部資助嘅 North West Region Strategic Migrantion Partnership (RSMP)同我哋講,嚟緊英國政府服務 National Careers Service 西北英格蘭分部嚟緊 2022年2月16號(星期三)晏晝1:30 至晏晝2:30 會有一個專為香港人而設嘅網上講座,仲會有即場香港語翻譯,為香港嚟嘅新移民講解 National Careers Service 可以點樣幫到大家搵工,佢哋仲會安排一對一電話訪談幫大家(名額有限),大家不妨報名參加!
Photo credit: National Careers Service
2022年2月21號 Pro bono Accounting Clinic @ Altrincham library
Trafford Council 將會喺 2022年2月21日(星期一)晏晝1:30至晏晝4:30,喺 Altrincham Library 安排活動為創業嘅朋友提供義務嘅會計諮詢服務。打算創業或者已經開始營運生意嘅朋友,不妨聽日抽個時間去問下。
2022年2月23號 LGBT+ History Month Celebrations with jax effiong
Collaborative Women UK CIC 將會喺 2022年2月23日(星期三)晏晝12:30至晏晝2:30,喺 Stretford Public Hall (M32 0LG) 有 LGBT+ History Month Celebrations 活動,有興趣嘅朋友,不妨打電話或電郵畀佢地預約留飛啦。
Call Emma: 07513772825
2022年2月24號 Trafford Business Start-Up Network - Finance / Tax / Book Keeping
2022 年 2 月 24 號朝早 10:30 到中午 12:30,喺 Urmston Library(M41 0NA)度搞嘅Trafford Business Start-Up Network,適合大家識下唔同背景同行業嘅朋友,今次主題係點樣喺社交媒體上增加自己個滲透度。有興趣嘅朋友仔,就撳入去下面條 link 登記報名啦。
2022年2月17-27號 Circus Funtasia
@ Wythenshawe Park
@ Wythenshawe Park
Circus Funtasia 喺 2022 年 2 月 17 號至 27號 ,喺 Wythenshawe Park 度有多項表演。小朋友放 term break 冇掟去,就去睇下啦,票價 £8,另收其他費用。
Photo credit: Circus Funtasia
Photo credit: Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester
5th March 2022 - Ukrainian Anti-war Protest
2022年3月5日 - 烏克蘭人反戰示威
By Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester
2022年3月5日 - 烏克蘭人反戰示威
By Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester
曼城烏克蘭人組織 Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester 嚟緊星期六(2022年3月5日)下晏2點到4點,再次喺 Piccadilly Garden 發起集會,聲援烏克蘭。希望大家除咗捐贈物資及金援烏克蘭之外,可以再次出席集會,繼續支持烏克蘭人。歡迎大家自製烏克蘭國旗及標語。
Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester Facebook page:
Manchester Hongkongers Stand with Ukrainian
Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester will hold an anti-war protest in Piccadilly Garden again on this Saturday (5th March 2022) afternoon from 14:00 to 16:00. We sincerely invite everyone to join regardless of your heritage. Let's show our support to Ukraine in addition to donating materials and financial aid. You are welcome to make your own Ukrainian flags and slogans.
Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester Facebook page:
The following organisations and business from Hongkonger communities support and appeal everyone take part in the anti-war protest (ordered by alphabets and number of strokes):
A Nice Sip 賞茶
A Nice Sip 賞茶 - Arndale
A Nice Sip 賞茶 - Corn Exchange
Asgard Groceries 思家.士多
Athena's Army
Cls Hair Studio
Fabulous Auto Co Ltd 英國櫻友
Lightime CIC UKHKers
Manchester Stands With Hong Kong
Salford Hongkongers CIC
𝒮𝑜 𝐵𝓁𝑜𝓈𝓈𝑜𝓂
Stockport Hongkongers - Community interest group
Trafford Hongkongers CIC
Teage _ hk Milk Tea Made in UK
烈大夫 • 懷藥堂
和你傾 WO4 NEI5 KING1
2022年3月7號 Power Up Your Business!: Build A Business parts 1 & 2
2022 年 3 月 7 號朝早 9:30 到晏晝 4:00,喺 Altrincham Library(WA14 1AH)度搞嘅 business support event,六個鐘頭嘅 workshop,涵蓋:
Legal structures
Business planning
Cashflow, Finance and Tax
Finding funding
有興趣嘅朋友仔,就撳入去下面條 link 登記報名啦。
Link and photo credit:
2022年3月8號 Know Your Market, Get Competitive: Build A Business module 2
2022 年 3 月 8 號晏晝 1:00 到晏晝 4:00,喺 Altrincham Library(WA14 1AH)度搞嘅 business support event,三個鐘頭嘅 workshop,涵蓋:
Why market research & other sources of information are important to the success of your business idea
How to find information on customers, market size, competitors, trends & other key data.
The basics on conducting your own research
How to use these tools to help complete your own business model canvas
有興趣嘅朋友仔,就撳入去下面條 link 登記報名啦。
Link and photo credit:
2022年3月9號 Intellectual Property- Protect Your Assets: Build A Business part 3
2022 年 3 月 9 號朝早 10:00 到晏晝 1:00,喺 Altrincham Library(WA14 1AH)度搞嘅 business support event,三個鐘頭嘅 workshop 主要圍繞知識產權,涵蓋:
How to understand the 4 main types of IP & how they differ
Get a clearer idea of what IP you own
What's involved in registering a trademark
Where to go to for further help and advice
有興趣嘅朋友仔,就撳入去下面條 link 登記報名啦。
Link and photo credit:
2022年3月11-31號 Celebrating syria 2022
2022 年 3 月 11 號至 31 號,曼城敘利亞人搞 Celebrating Syria 2022,有音樂、表演、電影、展覽、工作坊、座談會以及閱讀會。有啲都啱一家大細去睇/玩,大家參考下佢地網站睇詳情啦:
Photo credit: Celebrating Syria 2022
12th March 2022 - Manchester Stands with Ukraine
2022 年 3 月 12 日 - 曼徹斯特烏克蘭
By Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester
(English version is available below.)
烏克蘭戰事已踏入第三個星期,曼徹斯特烏克蘭人組織 Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester 嚟緊 2022 年 3 月 12 日(星期六)會第三次喺曼城市中心 Piccadilly Gardens 舉行撑烏克蘭集會。以下曼城香港人組織一齊呼籲香港人繼續支持烏克蘭以及出席是次集會。
Lightime CIC
Manchester Stands with Hong Kong
Salford Hongkongers CIC
Stockport Hongkongers Community Interest Group
Trafford Hongkongers CIC
日期:2022 年 3 月 12 日(星期六)
地點:曼城市中心 Piccadilly Gardens
Слава Україні! Slava Ukraini! 榮光歸烏克蘭!
(English version)
Manchester Stands with Ukraine
It is the 3rd week of the war in Ukraine. Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester is going to hold 'Stand with Ukraine' protest in Piccadilly Gardens again. The following Hongkonger-led organisations appeal to everyone to continue supporting Ukraine and attending the protest.
Lightime CIC
Manchester Stands with Hong Kong
Salford Hongkongers CIC
Stockport Hongkongers Community Interest Group
Trafford Hongkongers CIC
Date: 12th March 2022 (Saturday)
Time: 2pm - 4pm
Venue: Piccadilly Gardens
Making your own Ukraine flag and slogan is welcome.
Слава Україні! Slava Ukraini! 榮光歸烏克蘭!
2022年3月16號 Policing and Hate Crime Awareness in the North West
2022 年 3 月 16 號朝早 11:00 到中午 12:00,RSMP 請嚟 Greater Manchester Police 一名警員,為大家講解以下題目,現場會有香港語翻譯:
Police Forces in the North West 西北英格蘭警隊;
How to contact the emergency services 點樣聯絡緊急服務;
Hate Crime definitions and reporting 仇恨犯罪嘅定義以及報案;
Victim support services 受害人支援服務.
有興趣嘅朋友仔,就撳入去下面條 link 登記報名啦。
Link and photo credit:
2022年3月17號 Getting a Job in: Tech and Data
2022 年 3 月 17 號晏晝 15:00 到中午 16:30,UKHK將會舉辦一系列名就UKHK Skills-to-Work Workshop Series就業工作坊,第一砲將會有關科技與數據的行業 (Tech and Data sector)。活動詳情如下﹕
時間﹕15:00 – 16:30
Link and photo credit﹕
講者包括 / The Panel includes:
Jana Berker – Talent Acquisition Manager at Linkedin
Hugh Chichester – Co-Founder and CEO of NIYA
Phil Markham – Senior Tech Recruiter at DAZN
Alexia Brink – Senior Technology Recruiter for FinTech at
Rohan Karat – Business Development Manager at Crossword Cybersecurity
Dr Krish Kandiah (Host) – Director, UKHK
2022年3月22號 Trafford Social Care Recruitment & Information Event
2022 年 3 月 22 號,Trafford Community Collective 聯同 Trafford 內各組織舉辦照顧者行業招聘及資訊日,如果你想了解點樣喺英國入行做照顧者,以及了解 Trafford 區內嘅培訓資訊,快啲上去 eventbrite 度留飛啦!到時係免費入場,以及有茶水供應。
日期:2022 年 3 月 22 號(星期二)
時間:1:30pm - 3:00pm
地點:The LifeCentre (M33 4BP)(Washway Road 近 Walton Park 附近路段)
Photo credit: Trafford Community Collective
2022年3月22號 ALLFM 96.9 廣播電台會議
ALLFM 96.9 廣播電台位於Manchester Levenshulme,旨在透過廣播節目和培訓,協助社區隱蔽的群體融入社區。佢地將會有定期聚會及正招募新的成員,參加社區廣播的工作。如果你有興趣,行動不如心動,即刻聯絡佢地去Join 佢地下次聚會啦!
時間:10:30am 至1: 30pm
地點:Cromwell Grove, Levenshulme, Manchester M19 3QE
聯絡方法: (Yuen Megson 女士)
Photo credit: ALLFM 96.9
2022年3月31號 Powering up: IWD Celebration 2022
各位街坊婦女節快樂,Wythenshawe & Sale East 嘅國會議員 Mike Kane MP 今年再次跟Trafford MBC 合作,得到 UNISON Manchester Branch the Wyth Women Network 贊助,舉行一個名為 Powering Up: A special afternoon tea to celebrate IWD 2022 and the achievements of and opportunities for women in Sale 茶聚,肯定係Sale 同Wythenshawe 的女性今年的貢獻和社區為女性提供機會。
今年賣點係有一位得獎級數的喜劇演員 Nina Gilligan 做主持,又邀請到曼城其中一個最猛料既作曲及表演人 Claire Mooney 為大家助慶。
今次活動非常歡迎來自各個背景、專業和角色的女性分享看法,尤其點樣合作去面對係Sale 同 Wythenshawe 呢個社區既挑戰。
有表演睇,有資訊分享,又有食唔完既蛋糕。唔好再猶豫,報名參加International Women's Day 2022喇!
日期﹕Thu, 31 March 2022
時間﹕10:30 – 14:00
地點﹕Sale Town Hall Waterside Sale M33 7ZF
Link and photo credit:﹕
2022年3月31號 Trafford Business Start-Up Network - Women in Business International Women’s Day
2022 年 3 月 31 號朝早 10:30 到中午 12:30,喺 Urmston Library(M41 0NA)度搞嘅Trafford Business Start-Up Network,適合大家識下唔同背景同行業嘅朋友,今次主題係商業世界中嘅女士。有興趣嘅朋友仔,就撳入去下面條 link 登記報名啦。
2nd April 2022 - Manchester Stands with Ukraine
2022 年 4 月 2 日 - 曼徹斯特撑烏克蘭
By Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester
(English version is available below.)
Manchester Stands with Ukraine
戰爭已經去到第六個星期,請咁多位曼城朋友,嚟緊星期六,一齊出席由 Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester 集會,繼續支持同聲援烏克蘭人!集會以外,繼續金援烏克蘭以及幫手做義工將物資分類!
時間:2pm - 4pm
地點:Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester
Slava Ukraini!
Hong Kong Student Alliance CIC
Lightime CIC
Manchester Stands With Hong Kong
Salford Hongkongers CIC
Stockport Hongkongers - Community interest group
Trafford Hongkongers CIC
和你傾 WO4 NEI5 KING1
It's the sixth week of the war. We urge Mancunians to attend the protest organised by Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester to support Ukrainians. Apart from the protest, please go on supporting Ukrainians by financial and voluntary support.
Date: 2nd April 2022 (Saturday)
Time: 2pm - 4pm
Venue: Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester
Slava Ukraini!
*Own slogans and flags are welcome.
**Please beware of suspicious persons who take photos of you without your consent. Ask the police for help in case you need it.
Hong Kong Student Alliance CIC
Lightime CIC UKHKers Family
Manchester Stands With Hong Kong
Salford Hongkongers CIC
Stockport Hongkongers - Community interest group
Trafford Hongkongers CIC
和你傾 WO4 NEI5 KING1
Photo credit: Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester
- Revolution of Our Times 《時代革命》
- Revolution of Our Times 《時代革命》
思家・士多於 2022 年 4 月 2 號(星期六)及 4 號(星期一),於 Everyman Altrincham (WA14 1RF) 開兩場《時代革命》。請瀏覽思家・士多網站了解如何購票安排詳情。
思家・士多 Facebook:
思家・士多 Instagram:
Photo credit: 思家・士多 Asgard Groceries
3rd April 2022 - Manchester Marathon 2022
2022 年 4 月 3 日 - 曼徹斯特馬拉松
大家留意返,嚟緊星期日會因為曼城馬拉松而封路,星期日出入請留意 Tram 可能會停駛,以及封路而無法出行。(真架,唔係愚人節笑話 🤡)
[Not an April fool] Please note that Manchester Marathon will take place in Trafford areas and Manchester City Centre on the coming Sunday (3rd April). Tram services will be affected and road will be closed. Well plan your journey on that day!😎
Photo credit: Manchester Marathon
- Revolution of Our Times 《時代革命》
- Revolution of Our Times 《時代革命》
思家・士多於 2022 年 4 月 2 號(星期六)及 4 號(星期一),於 Everyman Altrincham (WA14 1RF) 開兩場《時代革命》。請瀏覽思家・士多網站了解如何購票安排詳情。
思家・士多 Facebook:
思家・士多 Instagram:
Photo credit: 思家・士多 Asgard Groceries
2022年4月8號 Manchester Jobs Fair
2022年4月8號朝早10點到下晝1點,喺曼聯主場(M16 0RA)度搞嘅招聘會,有興趣嘅朋友仔,就撳入去下面條 link 登記報名啦。
Photo credit:
2022年4月9號 Healthcare Job Fair - North West of England, April 2022
2022年4月9號朝早10點到下晝4點,喺曼城市中心 Manchester Central Convention Complex(M2 3GX,近 St. Peter's Square Metrolink station)度搞嘅醫護業招聘會,有興趣嘅朋友仔,就撳入去下面條 link 登記報名啦。
報名及 photo credit:
9th April 2022 - Manchester Stands with Ukraine
2022 年 4 月 9 日 - 曼徹斯特撑烏克蘭
By Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester
(English version is available below.)
Manchester Stands with Ukraine
戰爭已經去到第七個星期,請咁多位曼城朋友,嚟緊星期六,一齊出席由 Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester 集會,繼續支持同聲援烏克蘭人!集會以外,繼續金援烏克蘭以及幫手做義工將物資分類!
時間:2pm - 4pm
地點:Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester
Slava Ukraini!
Hong Kong Student Alliance CIC
Lightime CIC
Manchester Stands With Hong Kong
Salford Hongkongers CIC
Stockport Hongkongers - Community interest group
Trafford Hongkongers CIC
和你傾 WO4 NEI5 KING1
It's the seventh week of the war. We urge Mancunians to attend the protest organised by Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester to support Ukrainians. Apart from the protest, please go on supporting Ukrainians by financial and voluntary support.
Date: 9th April 2022 (Saturday)
Time: 2pm - 4pm
Venue: Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester
Slava Ukraini!
*Own slogans and flags are welcome.
**Please beware of suspicious persons who take photos of you without your consent. Ask the police for help in case you need it.
Hong Kong Student Alliance CIC
Lightime CIC UKHKers Family
Manchester Stands With Hong Kong
Salford Hongkongers CIC
Stockport Hongkongers - Community interest group
Trafford Hongkongers CIC
和你傾 WO4 NEI5 KING1
Photo credit: Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester
2022年4月9號及16號 香港文化社 Movie Series 2
- Revolution of Our Times 《時代革命》
- Inside the Red Brick Wall 《理大圍城》
- Revolution of Our Times 《時代革命》
- Inside the Red Brick Wall 《理大圍城》
香港文化社為香港電影節 2022 於曼徹斯特的合作單位。除原先三月尾放映場次外,現時香港文化社會於 2022 年 4 月 9 號(星期六)及 16 號(星期六),於 Contact Theatre (M15 6JA) 加開四場《時代革命》以及三場《理大圍城》。請於香港文化社網站購票及留意安排詳情。
香港文化社 Facebook:
香港文化社 Instagram:
Photo credit: 香港文化社 Hong Kong Cultural Community
(English version is available below.)
Manchester Stands with Ukraine
戰爭已經去到第八個星期,請咁多位曼城朋友,嚟緊星期六,一齊出席由 Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester 集會,繼續支持同聲援烏克蘭人!集會以外,繼續金援烏克蘭以及幫手做義工將物資分類!
時間:2pm - 4pm
地點:Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester
Slava Ukraini!
Hong Kong Student Alliance CIC
Lightime CIC
Manchester Stands With Hong Kong
Salford Hongkongers CIC
Stockport Hongkongers - Community interest group
Trafford Hongkongers CIC
和你傾 WO4 NEI5 KING1
It's the eighth week of the war. We urge Mancunians to attend the protest organised by Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester to support Ukrainians. Apart from the protest, please go on supporting Ukrainians by financial and voluntary support.
Date: 16th April 2022 (Saturday)
Time: 2pm - 4pm
Venue: Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester
Slava Ukraini!
*Own slogans and flags are welcome.
**Please beware of suspicious persons who take photos of you without your consent. Ask the police for help in case you need it.
Hong Kong Student Alliance CIC
Lightime CIC UKHKers Family
Manchester Stands With Hong Kong
Salford Hongkongers CIC
Stockport Hongkongers - Community interest group
Trafford Hongkongers CIC
和你傾 WO4 NEI5 KING1
Photo credit: Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester
2022年4月21-23號 The Manchester Sushi Festival And Private Sushi Workshop at Manchester Sushi Festival
2022 年 4 月 21 號夜晚 7 點,以及 22 及 23 號晏晝 3 點及夜晚 7,喺 Salford Central 火車站附近,會有 The Manchester Sushi Festival 以及 Private Sushi Workshop at Manchester Sushi Festival。位置喺 Audacious, Trinity Way, Salford, M3 7BD,門票由 £15 至 £25 不等。
The Manchester Sushi Festival 報名及 photo credit:
The Manchester Sushi Festival 報名及 photo credit:
23rd April 2022 - Manchester Stands with Ukraine
2022 年 4 月 23 日 - 曼徹斯特撑烏克蘭
By Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester
(English version is available below.)
Manchester Stands with Ukraine
戰爭已經去到第九個星期,請咁多位曼城朋友,嚟緊星期六,一齊出席由 Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester 集會,繼續支持同聲援烏克蘭人!集會以外,繼續金援烏克蘭以及幫手做義工將物資分類!
時間:2pm - 4pm
地點:Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester
Slava Ukraini!
Hong Kong Student Alliance CIC
Lightime CIC
Manchester Stands With Hong Kong
Salford Hongkongers CIC
Stockport Hongkongers - Community interest group
Trafford Hongkongers CIC
和你傾 WO4 NEI5 KING1
It's the nineth week of the war. We urge Mancunians to attend the protest organised by Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester to support Ukrainians. Apart from the protest, please go on supporting Ukrainians by financial and voluntary support.
Date: 23rd April 2022 (Saturday)
Time: 2pm - 4pm
Venue: Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester
Slava Ukraini!
*Own slogans and flags are welcome.
**Please beware of suspicious persons who take photos of you without your consent. Ask the police for help in case you need it.
Hong Kong Student Alliance CIC
Lightime CIC UKHKers Family
Manchester Stands With Hong Kong
Salford Hongkongers CIC
Stockport Hongkongers - Community interest group
Trafford Hongkongers CIC
和你傾 WO4 NEI5 KING1
Photo credit: Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester
2022年4月29號 Manchester Careers Fair
2022年4月29號朝早10點到下晝2點,喺曼城市中心 Britannia Hotel Manchester(M1 3LA)度搞嘅職業博覽,有興趣嘅朋友仔,就撳入去下面條 link 登記報名啦。
(also photo credit):
2022年5月5號 North Trafford Social Care Recruitment & Information Event
2022年5月5號朝早11點到中午12點30分,喺Old Trafford 嘅 Limelight(M16 9NW)度,會有一場以 Social Care 為主題招聘會,有興趣嘅朋友仔,就撳入去下面條 link 登記報名啦。
地點:Limelight, 1 Saint Brides Way, Old Trafford, M16 9NW
Photo credit:
Trafford Community Collective
2022年5月8號 The Manchester Charity Dragon Boat Challenge @ Sale Water Park
2022年5月8號,喺 Sale Water Park 會有龍舟競渡,大家到時去睇下啦!
Photo credit:
2022年5月20日 香港人吹水會
Trafford Hongkongers CIC 陳永新博士現與英國杜倫大學江瑞婷博士,誠邀有興趣嘅探討移英香港人身分認同問題嘅香港人朋友,於 2022 年 5 月 20 日(星期五),一齊去位於 Sale Metrolink Station 附近嘅 St. Joseph's Parish Centre,出席是次香港人吹水會,一齊:
日期:2022 年 5 月 20 日(星期五)
時間:上晝 11:00 至 中午 12:30
地點:St. Joseph's Parish Centre, Montague Road, Sale, M33 2BF(鄰近 Sale Metrolink Station)
2022年5月25日 Hong Kong Welcome Event by copice library & wellbeing center
位於 Sale West 嘅 Coppice Library & Wellbeing Center 會喺 2022 年 5 月 25 日(星期三)舉行 Hong Kong Welcome Event,有興趣嘅話就到時去玩啦!
日期:2022 年 5 月 25 日(星期三)
時間:中午 12:00 至 下晝 2:30
地點:Coppice Library & Wellbeing Center, Coppice Avenue, Sale, M33 4ND
2nd June 2022
Lion Rockappella
Lion Rockappella
Lion Rockappella, a group of A Cappella singers, is going to sing God Save The Queen to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee across Trafford on 2nd June 2022 (Thursday)
We will perform in Altrincham, Sale and Old Trafford. Please note our performance time and venue:
12:00 pm @ Altrincham Town Centre
1:00 pm @ Sale Town Centre
2:00 pm @ Outside Old Trafford Stadium
2022 年 6 月 2 日
Lion Rockappella
Lion Rockappella
一班 A Cappella 歌者組成 Lion Rockappella 嚟緊喺 2022 年 6 月2 日(星期四),喺 Trafford 唔同地方演唱 God Save The Queen 去慶祝女皇登基鉑禧。
我哋會喺 Altrincham、Sale 以及 Old Trafford 演唱,請大家留意以下演唱時間及地點:
中午 12:00 @ Altrincham 市中心
下晝 1:00 @ Sale 市中心
下晝 2:00 @ 奧脫福球場外
3rd June 2022
35th Of May
35th Of May
Asgard Groceries and Trafford Hongkongers CIC is going to organise a community screening of a film which is a recorded Hongkongese theatre drama in 2019, named '35th Of May'.
It is about the June 4th Massacre in Tian'anmen Square in Beijing in 1989. No one is allowed to talk about this or commemorate this tragedy in either Hong Kong, Macau or mainland China.
To let the human generations can ever remember and be able to understand this piece of bloody history, we shall let this be discussed year by year.
Date: 3rd June 2022 (Friday)
Time: 10:30 am - 12:45 pm (including a post-screening talk)
Venue: Altrincham Town Hall, Altrincham, WA14 1QT
Language: Hongkongese,
with both Hongkongese and English subtitles
Rating: Suitable ONLY for 15 years or over
Price per ticket: £7
This film is a dedication to all victims in the June 4th Massacre in Tian'anmen Square in Beijing in 1989, their family, the exile, the imprisoned, the journalists, the rescuers, and the donor.
2022 年 6 月 3 日
思家士多聯同 Trafford Hongkongers CIC 將會舉行一齣 2019 年嘅香港語話劇現場錄影電影《5月35日》嘅社區放映會。
呢一齣話劇係關於 1989 年北京天安門廣場嘅六四大屠殺。呢家已經冇人可以再喺香港、澳門以及中國大陸度討論呢件事。
日期:2022 年 6 月 3 日(星期五)
時間:朝早 10:30 - 中午 12:45 (包括演後座談會)
地點:Altrincham Town Hall, Altrincham, WA14 1QT
評級:只適合 15 歲或以上人士
獻給 1989 年北京天安門廣場裡六四大屠殺的受害者、他們的家人、流亡者、身陷囹圄者、記者、拯救者及捐獻者。
2022年7月15號 Manchester Jobs Fair
2022年7月15 號朝早10點到下晝1點,喺曼聯主場(M16 0RA)度搞嘅招聘會,有興趣嘅朋友仔,就撳入去下面條 link 登記報名啦。
(also photo credit):
31st July 2022 Protest in Support of Uyghurs
2022年7月31日 🇬🇧中國領事館集會聲援維吾爾人
倫敦 12:30 W1B 1JL
曼城 14:00 M14 5RX
愛丁堡 14:00 EH12 5QG
[ 關注維吾爾女性在中國遭遇 ]
Join the International Demonstration on the 31st July outside the Chinese embassy and consulates in London, Manchester and Edinburgh.
International activity taking place in Manchester, Edinburgh, Washington DC, Toronto, Istanbul, Johannesburg, Auckland, Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne
2022年8月5號 Manchester Careers Fair
2022年8月5號朝早10點到下晝2點,喺曼城市中心 Britannia Hotel Manchester(M1 3LA)度搞嘅職業博覽,有興趣嘅朋友仔,就撳入去下面條 link 登記報名啦。
(also photo credit):
*: This event is being arranged to particularly help people who are new to the area such as Ukrainian and Hong Kong newcomers but is open to anyone in Trafford wanting employment support.
*: 是次活動專為協助 Trafford 區內新移民而設,如烏克蘭人及香港人,然而,所有 Trafford 區內居民如有就業需要亦可以參加。
Make your own kite 自己整風箏:
2022年8月27-28號 Doki Doki, The Manchester Japanese Festival
Japan-UK Season of Culture 2022年官方活動:Doki Doki,曼徹斯特日本節,將會喺 2022 年 8 月 27 至 28 號,喺近住曼徹斯特大學嘅 Sugden Sports Centre (M1 7HL)度舉行,門票由 £10 至 £160 不等(未計VAT),視日本為家鄉嘅你,仲唔 mark 實日子,仲唔快啲買飛?
Link and photo credit:
2022年10月14號 Manchester Engineering & Technology Careers Fair 2022
(link and photo credit):
2022年10月21號 Manchester Careers Fair
2022年10月21號朝早10點到下晝2點,喺曼城市中心 Britannia Hotel Manchester(M1 3LA)度搞嘅職業博覽,有興趣嘅朋友仔,就撳入去下面條 link 登記報名啦。
(also photo credit):
2022年10月21-22號 Manchester Whisky Festival 2022
2022年10月21-22號,喺曼城市中心 Manchester Cathedral(M3 1SX)度搞嘅威士忌節,票價由 £64.1 至 £74.76,有興趣嘅朋友仔,就撳入去下面條 link 登記報名啦。
(also photo credit):
嚟緊星期日(2022年11月27日),曼城會有一場香港人自發搞嘅《香港本色》放映會,邀請咗導演同監製由倫敦上來曼城,並設對談環節(英語),免費入場(不用報名,先到先得,80個位)。地點係International Anthony Burgess Foundation, 3 Cambridge Street, M1 5BY,時間 3:30pm-5:30pm。歡迎大家參與。
"During the Anti-Extradition Bill Social Movement in Hong Kong in 2019, I joined the march around Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, and walked to Shum Shui Po. In the march, I saw protestors making road blocks with wooden boards in order to make sure the march would not be intervened by external parties. Eventually, I also saw some wooden boards were damaged. At that moment, I did not think too much but took the wooden boards to Taiwan.
Those wooden boards experienced attacks from tear gas and assaults from the Police Force. They now become sculptures, painted and jumping on paper, pieces of pictures."
13th December 2022 - Festive Nature Crafts
@ Partington Library and Wellbeing Centre
By The Conservation Volunteers
2022年12月13日 - 節慶天然手作班
@ Partington Library and Wellbeing Centre
The Conservation Volunteers舉辦
@ Partington Library and Wellbeing Centre
By The Conservation Volunteers
2022年12月13日 - 節慶天然手作班
@ Partington Library and Wellbeing Centre
The Conservation Volunteers舉辦