About Us

Trafford Hongkongers CIC is a community interest company (CIC) incorporated on 31st August 2021, aiming at helping newcomers from Hong Kong settle and thrive in Trafford areas.

Trafford Hongkongers CIC 係一間 2021 年 8 月 31 日成立嘅社群利益公司(CIC),旨在協助嚟自香港嘅新移民喺 Trafford 範圍內安居樂業。


Wing-sun Chan

Born in British Hong Kong, Wing-sun arrived at the UK in May 2021. He likes sociology but was working in the Hong Kong social service sector. As a sociology geek, he doesn’t like the theoretical sociology discussion but applies sociological concepts to improve everyday life in the UK. 


Alex Mak (aka A M)

Born in British Hong Kong, Alex was a trilingual amateur theatre drama director, script writer and actor in Hong Kong. He likes great ideas and implementing them through explorations and actions. Actions speak louder than words. Act now! :D

Alex 出生於英屬香港。仲喺香港嘅時候,佢係一個業餘話劇導演、編劇以及演員。佢好中意好主意,並會透過探索同埋行動實行出嚟。與其心動,不如行動。嚟啦! :D

Zita Ho

Born in 1980s, Zita used to live in her own little world. However, like other Hongkonger parents, she has moved to the UK in order to provide a free environment for her child. She likes cooking very much since food can bring satisfaction to people.

80 後中女一名,本身只活在小小的世界;同大多數父母一樣,為了想保護小朋友的自由成長環境而移居英國;最喜歡烹調,因為可以用食物帶畀其他人飽足感。


If you would like to become a part of our volunteers team, please contact us at inquiry@traffordhongkongers.co.uk, telling us your name, your expertise (it is fine if you don't have any because we need manpower) and your contact number for WhatsApp and Signal.

You can also express your interest in being one of our volunteers on our co-op page:

如果你想成為義工團隊嘅一分子,請將你嘅名、你嘅專長(冇都唔緊要,因為我哋要人)同埋聯絡用嘅 WhatsApp 及 Signal 電話號碼,電郵inquiry@traffordhongkongers.co.uk

你亦可以透過我哋嘅 co-op 網頁表達你想成為我哋義工嘅一分子:


If you would like to support us by donation, please refer to our bank account information below:

Account holder: Trafford Hongkongers CIC
Account number: 30785383
Sort code: 56-00-20

Thank you very much for your kind donation!