Manchester Pride 2022

心理健康主題聯誼活動: 曼徹斯特 彩虹驕傲 2022
Psychological wellbeing social event: Manchester Pride Event 2022


當日正值一年一度彩虹驕傲遊行 (Pride March)的翌日,因此活動會包含對性別議題的展覽、以及提供有關性教育、和面對社會隔離的資訊。活動亦會免費提供含酒精及不含酒精的飲品,歡迎各位在互相交流時享用。


Starting a new life in a new place can be lonely. On top of day-to-day stress, we might find it especially difficult and exhausting to expand our social circle when facing challenges like language and cultural barriers.

On the special occasion of the Manchester Pride celebration during the August bank holiday weekend, the HKB mental health team would like to invite you to join our social event with an exhibition revolving around psychological well-being topics, such as social isolation, LGBTQ+ Pride, and sexual health.

Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks with light refreshments will be served, along with beautiful jazz music. We very much encourage you to join us at the event for some mind-stimulating discussions, and who knows, you may get to know someone new too! We will see you there!

日期 / Date : 28/8 星期日 Sunday, 2022
時間 / Time: 16:00-19:15
語言 / Language : 廣東話, 英語 Cantonese & English
活動主辦 / vent Host : 英國港僑協會心理健康小組 HKB Mental Health Team
活動地點 / Location : Studio Bee Photography Studio, 14-16 Faraday Street, Manchester, M1 1BE
報名方式 / Registration : 網上報名, 免費活動 Sign up online; the event is free of charge

名額 / Capacity : 30 (免費提供含酒精及不含酒精的飲品)
年齡 / Age : 18歲或以上 18 or over
查詢 / Enquiry : Nicole Hui, 心理健康小組主任 Mental Health Coordinator
支持組織 / Supporting Organisation :
Hong Kong Student Alliance CIC
Lightime CIC UKHKers Family
Salford Hongkongers CIC
Stockport Hongkongers - Community interest group
Trafford Hongkongers CIC
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港僑協會: 一對一情緒支援服務 1-to-1 Emotion Support and wellbeing advisory service

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