Hate Speech/Crime

This page is about how to deal with hate speech/crime in the UK. Information provided in this page is for reference only and shall never be regarded as a professional or legal advice. You must consult your lawyer to obtain professional legal advice in order to protect your maximum interest.

Call 999
打 999 報警

如你看見有人正在或將會面對生命危險或暴力對待,請立即打 999 報警。

If you are witnessing or expecting a person facing immediate danger or violence, please call 999.

如你所面對的情況並非極度危急,可以打 101 或使用大曼徹斯特警區網上報案服務

If the situation you are facing is not an emergency, you may call 101 or use the 'Report a crime' online service of Greater Manchester Police.

On Your Side Protection Approaches 受英國政府部門 DLUHC 資助嘅一個歡迎香港人項目。佢哋提供香港語翻譯員,等你可以將你所面對嘅歧視或仇恨言論/罪案同佢哋講,佢哋會保密,並且可以轉介你到更適切嘅服務單位。你可以喺佢哋網站聯絡佢哋,或直接致電 0808 801 0393。

On Your Side is a Protection Approaches' project funded by DLUHC. They provide Hongkongese (Cantonese) interpretation service so that you can tell them what you have encountered including discrimination and hate speech/crime. They will keep your story confidential and refer you to an appropriate service. You can contact them through their website or call them at 0808 801 0393.