Health Care

This page is about health care in the UK. Information provided in this page is for reference only and shall never be regarded as a professional, medical or legal advice.

Useful links 有用連結

Anyone in England can register with a GP surgery. It's free to register.

You do not need proof of address or immigration status, ID or an NHS number.

GP surgeries are usually the first contact if you have a health problem. They can treat many conditions and give health advice. They can also refer you to other NHS services. 


你唔使提供住址或入境狀況、身分或 NHS 號碼嘅證明。

當你有健康問題嗰陣,GP 通常會係你第一個要聯絡嘅地方。佢地可以治療多種情況及提供醫療建議,亦可以將你轉介到其他 NHS 服務。

Find a GP near your home through entering your postcode.

透過輸入你嘅郵政區號去搵一間你屋企附近嘅 GP。

askmyGP is an online consultation and workflow system that helps GPs manage patient caseload through operational change and digital triage. They make it easier for patients to talk to their own doctor and help GPs to prioritise and deliver care through message, phone and video.

askmyGP 係一個網上諮詢服務,亦為 GP 分流同管理病人個案數量。佢哋亦令病人可以更容易咁去問佢哋自己嘅醫生,以且幫助 GP 去權衡唔同病人嘅情況,透過短訊、電話及視像會議以提供最適切嘅服務畀大家。

This webinar provided by the Public Health Team at Wokingham Borough Council is for new residents who have recently moved to Wokingham from Hong Kong. It is delivered in Hongkongese and covers a number of topics including: understanding the NHS, how to register with your local GP surgery, how to access urgent healthcare, winter wellness, and Covid-19. For reference only.

此網上講座由 Wokingham Borough Council Public Health Team 提供居住於 Wokingham 嘅香港人,以香港語講解以下主題:認識 NHS、如何登記本地 GP,如何使用緊急醫療服務,冬季疾病以及 2019 冠狀病毒病。資料只可作為參考。

They are a group of passionate Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner from Hong Kong recently relocated to UK. Due to the rising demand of Traditional Chinese Medicine, this website is established to provide professional TCM service and reliable information.


Barnardo’s Boloh Helpline announces the expansion of our service to support Hong Kong British Nationals (Overseas) and their families to successfully settle in the UK.  The project is funded by Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities until 30 June 2022. Please click here for details.

Barnardo 's Boloh 熱線宣佈擴大服務範圍,以幫助香港英國國民(海外)及其家人成功在英國定居。該項目由住房和社區改善部 (Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities ) 資助,項目截止時間為 2022 年 6 月 30 日。請撳呢度睇詳情。

The Conservation Volunteers' (TCV) Health in Nature Trafford Project aims to connect people to nature-based activities to improve physical health and mental wellbeing.

TCV 嘅「健自在Trafford計劃」連結唔同人參與關於自然嘅活動,以促進身體及精神健康。