Lunar New Year Fair
Asgard Groceries in Altrincham will hold a Lunar New Year Fair with some Hongkonger newcomer craftspersons. Directors of Trafford Hongkongers CIC will act as the God of Wealth. So just pop in and take photos with us!
Date: 21st - 24th Jan 2022 (Fri - Mon)
Time: 11am - 5pm
Venue: Asgard Groceries, Altrincham, WA14 1BD
Altrincham 思家・士多聯同幾位香港人店主和你宵,大家識做啦。我哋 Trafford Hongkongers CIC 仲會落場扮財神,仲唔快啲 mark 個日子,同我哋瘋狂影相?!
時間:上晝 11:00 至下晝 5:00
地點:思家・士多 , Altrincham, WA14 1BD