Employment Support Event - Aug 2022
(English version available below)
為Trafford 烏克蘭難民提供的就業支援活動*
Employment Support Event for Ukrainian Refugees in Trafford*
Employment Support Event for Ukrainian Refugees in Trafford*
All are welcome*
Trafford Council 將會喺2022年8月17日(星期三)舉辦就業支援活動。
你係喺住喺 Trafford 而且搵緊工?你係咪想知道區內有咩支援可以幫到你?你係咪最近由烏克蘭或香港搬到嚟 Trafford 住?歡迎嚟到 Trafford!
如果以上問題有任何一條答案你係答「係」嘅話,呢個活動就啱晒你喇! Trafford Council 邀請咗僱主及支援組織為大家喺就業以及培訓方面提供意見。是次活動提供一個友善以及輕鬆嘅氣氛同環境,為大家提供適切嘅協助。
時間:下晝 1 點正 - 下晝 3 點正
地點:Stretford Public Hall, Chester Road, Stretford, Greater Manchester, M32 0LG(離 Stretford 電車站五分鐘路程)
*: 是次活動專為協助 Trafford 區內新移民而設,如烏克蘭人及香港人,然而,所有 Trafford 區內居民如有就業需要亦可以參加。
Trafford Council will hold an employment support event on 17th August 2022 (Wednesday).
Are you looking for work in Trafford and want to know what support is available to help you? Have you recently come to Trafford from Ukraine or from Hong Kong? Welcome to Trafford!
Please come along to Trafford’s employment support event where Trafford Council will have a selection of local employers recruiting for jobs plus support organisations that can help and advice you into work or training. The event is friendly and informal and aims to provide you with the help you need.
Date: 17th August 2022 (Wednesday)
Time: 1pm - 3pm
Venue: Stretford Public Hall, Chester Road, Stretford, Greater Manchester, M32 0LG (5 minutes walk from Stretford Metrolink Station)
Ticketing: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/employment-support-event-for-ukrainian-refugees-in-trafford-tickets-390516022937
*:This event is being arranged to particularly help people who are new to the area such as Ukrainian and Hong Kong newcomers but is open to anyone in Trafford wanting employment support.