
By Trafford Hongkongers CIC
由 Trafford Hongkongers CIC 發起

COVID-19 experience questionnaire (Ended)
COVID-19 經驗問卷調查 (已完)

Trafford Hongkongers CIC 先前同幾位義工去同 Trafford Council 嘅 Community Engagament Team 會面,我哋分享咗香港人 2003年 SARS 一役,以及自此之後嘅防疫方法。

之後,受 Trafford Council 嘅 Community Engagement Team 所託,Trafford Hongkongers CIC 現設本問卷,代為收集居住喺 Trafford 範圍裡面嘅香港人社群關於佢哋面對 COVID-19 嘅親身經驗。有關資料收集後,於 2022 年 1 月中會面 Trafford Council 嘅 Community Engagement Team 轉交畀佢哋作研究分析用。所有問題均由 Trafford Council 所提供嘅問卷翻譯成香港語,希望各位無論有冇打疫苗都好,都可以填寫問卷調查,以反映住喺 Trafford 嘅香港人嘅意見。

如你就本問卷調查有任何疑問,請透過電郵向 Trafford Hongkongers CIC 查詢。電郵地址

Report on COVID-19 experience questionnaire
COVID-19 經驗問卷調查報告

Coming soon.

Hong Kong Medical Workforce
– Migration and Employment Survey (Ended)

This survey is initiated by Trafford Hongkongers CIC and supported by Hongkongers in Britain. We would like to consolidate comments from medical doctors in Hong Kong regarding resettlement in the UK and the rest of the world.

Photo credit: Hongkongers in Britain 英國港僑協會

Hong Kong Medical Workforce – Migration and Employment Survey

The data collected from this survey has been processed and transferred to NHS England.

有關問卷調查數據經整理後已轉交 NHS England。

Report on Survey of British National (Overseas) Hongkongers living across Trafford (Ended)
Trafford BN(O) 香港人問卷調查 (已完)

Report on Survey of British National (Overseas) Hongkongers living across Trafford
Trafford BN(O) 香港人問卷調查結果

Survey of BN(O) Hongkongers living across Trafford(v2).pdf

By other organisation(s)

Research on students in the UK from Hong Kong
By Hong Kong Student Alliance
(Photo credit: Hong Kong Student Alliance)

Hong Kong Student Alliance linktree:

Proposal of the Hong Kong Student Alliance:


Hong Kong Student Alliance Proposal Press Release (English):

By Employment Team of Trafford Council

By North West Regional Strategic Migration Partnership (RSMP)
(Photo credit: RSMP)