Community Resources

Useful links 有用連結

Council consultations

You can find out current and past consultations raised by Trafford Council here.
你可以喺度搵到現時及過去嘅 Trafford Council 嘅公眾諮詢。 

Laptop lending scheme

You can borrow a laptop for three months from any Library in Trafford for free.
你可以喺 Trafford 嘅圖書館度免費借一部手提電腦用三個月。

The Conservation Volunteers' (TCV) Health in Nature Trafford Project aims to connect people to nature-based activities to improve physical health and mental wellbeing.

TCV 嘅「健自在Trafford計劃」連結唔同人參與關於自然嘅活動,以促進身體及精神健康。