Starting a business & Self-employed
This page is about local supports to business in Trafford. Information provided in this page is for reference only and shall never be regarded as a professional or legal advice.
呢頁係關於 Trafford 本地嘅商業支援。本頁資訊謹供參考,並不應視之為專業或法律意見。
Do you know? 你知唔知呀?
After you have established a company, you need to provide your NI number for HMRC in order to set up your business tax account (and for your personal tax account as well). If you want to start your own business in the UK but you haven't applied for your NI number yet, apply for your NI number as soon as possible!
當你成立咗公司之後,你需要向英國稅務海關提供你嘅國民保險號碼 (NI number) 去設定你網上嘅公司稅務戶口(以及你自己嘅個人稅務戶口)。所以,如果你想喺英國開展你嘅事業,但你仲未申請 NI number,就好快快脆脆申請你個 NI number 喇!
Even if you don't have any income in the UK, but anywhere outside the UK, you still need a NI number for tax return to HMRC. So what are you wait for? Apply for a NI number now!
就算你喺英國冇收入,如果你喺英國以外地方有任何形式收入而需要向英國 HRMC 報稅嘅時候,都係需要一個 NI number,所以唔好等喇,點都申請定一個先啦。
Useful links 有用連結
Business in Trafford
Trafford 商業資訊
You can find local business information provided by Trafford Council here.
喺呢度,你可以搵到由 Trafford Council 提供嘅本地商業資訊。
Trafford Council Business Bulletin
Trafford Council 商業簡報
If you wish to receive information about business news, events & support across Trafford, please sign up here.
如果你想收到 Trafford 商業新聞、活動以及支援嘅資訊,請撳入去呢度登記。
The Growth Company is a company in partnership with Greater Manchester Combined Authority that it provides multiple supports to SME and business starters
The Growth Company 係一間 Greater Manchester Combined Authority 嘅合作伙伴,為中小企提供多種支援。
The Growth Company Business Growth Hub
The Growth Company Business provide this service of Growth Hub to support business starters in Greater Manchester areas.
The Growth Company Business 其中一個服務,為喺大曼徹斯特地區嘅創業嘅朋友提供支援。
Enterprising You - Supporting the self-employed in Greater Manchester
If you are self-employed in Greater Manchester, they can help you.
Eventbrite page:
Build A Business in GM Library
Greater Manchester Libraries will hold supporting events for business startups across councils. Check what is up and fit your needs!
A BBC One programme series about business ideas. Worth to watch.
BBC One 一系列關於商業點子嘅節目,值得一睇。